Domain name terms and definitions
The below table lists commonly used terms in domain name registrations. These terms have been defined by the RRDG for the purposes of improved industry standardisation particularly for when used in registry reporting and benchmarking analysis.
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States and attributes
Registered - A domain name that has been assigned to a registrant in the registry database.
Delegated - A domain name that is registered (see definition “registered”) and included in the zone file.
Registry suspended - A domain name that has had its DNS control (temporarily) taken over by the registry without altering its registrant information.
Pending release - A domain name after an expiry or delete event, but not available for re-registration. This includes redemption/quarantine phases.
DNSSEC enabled - A domain name that has DNSSEC key material included in its registration.
Locked - A domain name which has a lock[1] product from the registry applied to it.
Internationalised domain name (IDN) - A domain name that includes at least one non-ASCII character.
Events and actions
Expiry - When a domain name comes to the end of its contracted registration period.
Delete - When a domain name is actively deleted with a delete request.
Release - When a domain name transitions from pending release and becomes available for registration again.
Restore - When a domain name transitions from pending release to its former state.
Drop-catch - The action of registering a domain name within 24 hours after it was released.
Create - When a domain name is successfully registered via a create request.
Renew - When a registered domain name has its registration period extended (either explicitly or implicitly)
Registrar transfer - When a domain name transfers from one registrar to another.
Registrant transfer - When a domain name transfers from one registrant to another.
List last reviewed: 27 Apr 2019
Domain metrics life cycle